One day there was a bug waking down the street.oh NO HERE COMES A Cccar.oh no buggy got ran over by a car.Buggy needs to go to the hospital eeeeeek what are they doing to me? "HaHaHa we've got you now" said the witches buggy ran away. the end. amelia and holly and tyler
This week in writing we were writing about stuff in room 4 and imagination. (One) was the cup tht was alive (second) it was buzzy the aeroplane who delivers packages.
once upon a time there was a dinosour called rex one day a hunter shot the dinosaur with a cow pat in the eye. And he got a green eye one day he scrached his back on a rock. And he had the best day ever in his life that night something dreadful happened he... fell off a cliff. the end.
once upon a time there was a dinosaur he was in a forest he saw a BIG dinosaur! and she was scary so the other dinosaur hid behind a tree and then he want peek a boo I see you smoochy I will catch you booboo if its the last thing I do! by tyler and emmie
once upon time there was a dinosaer how was very shy. all the other dinosaur made fun of him. so one day he ran away to the dark dark forest. he was so sCared that he ran behind a tree. and he grew pimples the end.BY LUCY ANGEL.