Saturday, October 25, 2008


We talked about Celebrations in different cultures in Term 3. Our class has people from several different cultures.

We made pinyatas together with balloons and papier mache. They were great fun to make.

We finished our study by having a Celebration lunch. We wore party hats that we had made and decorated ourselves. We took turns to hit the pinyatas. Lots of special goodies fell out of the pinyatas for us to share. Then we shared a "mountain" of special celebration food from our different cultures together.

Room 4's School Assembly

In August Room 4 presented the whole school assembly. Our announcers were Tia and Travis. Room 4 shared some or our music, singing and dancing that we have been learning about and creating this term.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere

During Term 2 we made lots of interesting discoveries about water, and its changing states. We found what things floated and what sunk. We also discovered ways to make floating things sink, and how to float things that normally sink in water. We even made a needle float on the top of water (using surface tension).

After planning model mountains complete with huts, trees and animals, we built these in the sandpit and discovered what happens to these things when it rains. Now we know how rivers are made, and how powerful water can be.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pirate Maths Measurement

We spent 3 weeks learning about measuring length. We learnt to order and compare things by length and also to measure length using centimetres and metres.

The Room 4 pirate crew braved the stormy seas one bleak wintery day to measure and make Captain Blood's sailing ship fleet. Our ships were 10 metres long with 3 masts and lots of special features like a crow's nest, a gangplank, portholes and plenty of man-eating fish swimming around in the sea.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our Science Beach Trip

Our Junior Syndicate classes went to the beach on Monday to make sand structures. We made a prediction about what we thought would happen to them overnight. Most of us thought that they would still be there the next day when we came back to look.

We came back the next day to see what had happened to our structures. Oh dear! What a surprise. Most of us found that it looked very different. We realised that the tide had come in and washed away most of our structure even though we had built walls around our work or built behind rocks. What a change the sea can make in a short time.

Monday, March 31, 2008

We are on our way!

Watch this space! Room 4 have been doing some amazing work and they will be sharing it with you on this blog.