During Term 2 we made lots of interesting discoveries about water, and its changing states. We found what things floated and what sunk. We also discovered ways to make floating things sink, and how to float things that normally sink in water. We even made a needle float on the top of water (using surface tension).

After planning model mountains complete with huts, trees and animals, we built these in the sandpit and discovered what happens to these things when it rains. Now we know how rivers are made, and how powerful water can be.
Wow Room 4, you have been doing some pretty interesting maths and science work. I wonder how you made the objects that sank float again? Did you tie a balloon to them?
keep writing about your learning because I enjoy reading about it on your blog.
Mrs H
Great to see all the pictures from Room 4 and how you are having fun. Keep up the good work!
Frank (Venka's dad)
Hi Room 4, looks like you have great fun in your class! Keep up the good learning activities and photos on the blog.
I liked it when we made the needle
Watching the needle float was interesting.
I don't know why the needle floats and the paper sinks.
I like when we got to make the needle float on paper. It was interesting when the needle and the paper didn't. I hope do a lot more fun stuff together again.
By Daniel Endersby
I like when we made the needle float on paper. It was interesting when the needle floated and the paper didn't. I hope we do lots more fun stuff together again.
By Daniel Endersby
I checked if the tennis ball floated and I did in the sink. It floated. I did it with my Dad.
Alina Toms.
great work room 4 - I really like that you all get involved and have fun ewhile you learn.
great work room 4 - I really like that you all join in and have so much fun while you learn.
Ian (Jack's dad)
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